
C-SuiteNEWs march 2023


According to research conducted by McKinsey & Company, almost two-thirds of employees surveyed in the United States said that the events of recent years have made them reflect on their life purpose. Nearly half said they were rethinking the type of work they were doing because of the pandemic. Similar results are also indicated in surveys conducted around the world, also in Poland. Being aware that nearly 70% of employees say that the sense of purpose is defined by their work, the main goal of a leader is to help talents find and achieve a life purpose - writes Anna Boguszewska. In turn, Marcin Radecki emphasizes that organizations that want to maintain competitive advantages and thus generate higher revenues in the long term have no other choice and are forced to hire specialists in data analysis. Otherwise, they will struggle with "hot on the heels" of competitors who are ready and are considering implementing data analytics in decision-making processes (or have already done so). Using an analogy from everyday life, if we want to implement data analytics in processes, we should prepare for a marathon, not a sprint. Paweł Młyński looked at the latest National Population and Housing Census, which was published by the Central Statistical Office, which clearly shows that Polish society is aging. The percentage of people of working age is decreasing and the percentage of people of post-working age is increasing. This also translates into the structure of economically active people - fewer and fewer people enter the labor market, the percentage of people aged up to 34 is decreasing. Demographic changes mean that mature people, aged 40+, 50+ or even 60+, will be the most important source of human resources for employers. So, he asked the question - is the Polish labor market ready for this? Is personnel controlling part of financial controlling or HR? Is it needed at all, since most companies do not have it? Does personnel controlling = reporting data on the number and costs of employees? These are just some of the (maybe the most common) questions that Łukasz Sowiński hears when he starts talking about personal controlling. These questions are asked from HR students, but also from experienced operational managers and business owners.