Poland has been the number 1 location for BSS investment in the CEE region for a number of years simply due to the fact, that can offer 7 balanced reasons ...
Everything is a change! We read in Paweł Dudek's article that "when we need to increase sales ? we manage change, when two companies merge ? we manage change, when we ...
In the June release of C-SuiteNEWs, we talk about controlling, its features, tasks, and the tools used. We emphasize that well-implemented strategic control in leading organizations is one of the ...
The December C_SuiteNEWs includes a look at several topics. The first is the situation we see in outsourcing ? and this is nothing more than shifting the attention of business managers ...
Poland can still attract investors with the 7 balanced reasons to invest: a good economic performance, business oriented approach, attractive cost of doing business, customer-oriented attitude (with multicultural experience), entrepreneurial ...
The July issue of C-SuiteNEWs contains aspects of covid19's impact on the global supply chain, there is also a brief look at how to manage organization in line ...
Dziś, tradycyjne cięcie kosztów czy wykonywanie zleceń przez outsourcer?a zgodnie z oczekiwaniami nie zapewniają komfortu współczesnym zarządzającym. Wymagana jest elastyczność, zrozumienie potrzeb biznesowych, najwyższa z możliwych jakość usług, najbardziej ...
Happy NEWs YEAR 2020 from all of us in Gekko advisoryNOW (GAN)
W grudniowym wydaniu C-Suite NEWs spojrzymy na całkiem inną niż dotychczas rolę kontrolingu. Działy finansowe, a w szczególności ...
The latest Business Services Magazine, where we have discussed the critical role of management reporting for the decentralized operating model. You can also find the discussion about the competency gap ...